What Susie Wrote on My Blog

Susie said: I avoid these intimate interactions, second-guess everything I do, and am thin skinned and extremely private. I like live groups (once upon a time, before Internet, all groups were live, remember?) so that I can socialize without giving of myself. It all stays nice and superficial--er, easy--that way. And if I reveal too much, I disappear. Forever.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Bam Bam's Wonderful Adventure -- 3/27/2006 [not posted]

Bam Bam's
Wonderful Adventure I

Hi! Welcome to my world. My name is Bam Bam, and I wanna invite you on one of my doggie treks. Your knees up to it? It's four miles!

We start on my street.
Can you make it a block to the end? Good! Aww, your'e not such a codger after all.
Through the woods. Maybe we can find some pathkill.


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